1. Tell us about yourself-family, job, things you like to do
Hi there! My name is Cole and I think I may be the web's youngest blogger, as I am 7 months old and have been posting since January. I am currently unemployed. It's hard finding work without a college (or high school... OR elementary school) degree - the recession, you know? Luckily my parents let me live at home, rent free. I live with Mommy and Daddy and my furry big brother, Henry. Most of the time I just hang out with Mommy and Henry during the day, but when Daddy is home we like to go on adventures.
2. What is your blog about?
My blog is about me! I write about daily life, with lots of pictures, and the occasional review/giveaway. It is continually growing and has changed from just ramblings that my Grammy likes to read to something with a broader audience. I'm currently looking to expand even further and gain sponsors - any earnings that my blog generates go into my college fund.
3. What inspired you to start your blog?
Mommy has had a semi-private blog for about 12 years and enjoys getting feedback from her friends; it's a great way to record moments - from the great to the mundane - and to keep in touch with family. It is a modern take on a baby book - an interactive extension of the photo album every mom keeps from the moment they bring a baby home. I really like that I can not only add text and pictures, but also other media like music and video.
4. How do you fit your blog into your schedule? Do you set aside certain times of the day to blog?
I take my private photographer (Mommy) with me everywhere - and I'm always open to new ideas to blog about as I go about my day. I have all of the original ideas, but the entries themselves are ghost-written after I go to bed. I rely heavily on the "Schedule Post" feature.
5. What do you hope to achieve in the future with your blog?
I have fallen in love with the networking aspect - I have made so many new friends through blogs (Emmie Bee, Gregg, Julie, and Blair to name a *very* few) and it has forced me to focus on and think about every day - to pause and appreciate every moment. I'd like to continue to discover new blogs and experiment with the various social media outlets. It's exciting to have an internet footprint that is growing with me. Hopefully, down the line, I'll be able to gain some sponsors and generate a little savings!
Thanks again to Cole, and his mom Sarah for participating!!!
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