1. Tell us about yourself-family, job, things you like to do
My name is Amanda, I'm a 19 year old Stay at home mom to one beautiful baby girl with a little boy due
anytime between now and july 1st :)
2. What is your blog about?
It's about all sorts of things, mainly what its like to raise a premature baby,and now
I'm also hosting reviews/giveaways.
3. What inspired you to start your blog?
I was inspired to start my blog when people questioned what it was like to raise a preemie day to day.
I've always heard that you should " never trust a preemie" and it is so true.Bailey can be sick one day, and the next be fine..or vice versa.
4. How do you fit your blog into your schedule? Do you set aside certain times of the day to blog?
I just blog whenever i feel like it and when bailey will cooperate with me long enough for me TO blog :]
5. What do you hope to achieve in the future with your blog?
I'm hoping to get a wider base of followers, and host more reviews and giveaways as well
as feature weekly guest bloggers to talk about Their lifes, and what its like being them.
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