July 11, 2009

Not much longer!

I havent updated in a while, I guess mostly b/c there isnt much to update!

I've been having ultrasounds every three weeks to check on Bennetts growth and such. As of last week, he is measuring a week ahead of his due date. He is going to be a big boy! I also am now going in for non stress tests twice a week just to make sure he is moving like he should, and his heartrate is good. I go back for my last ultrasound on the 23rd and after that...it's baby time! Just a few more weeks!
Once Ben is born, we'll know more if he has surgery right away, a few days/weeks/months after his birth, or if there is a non surgical route we can take. Although we havent done any of the genetic testing yet, I feel in my heart that he is a normal and healthy boy otherwise. I just cant wait for him to be born so we can see for sure that he is okay. I cant wait for his defect to be fixed and he can live a normal life. I really do not know what life will be like, not just b/c of his issues, but as a family four! I feel like Cooper still needs so much, I wonder how I will care for them both!

I have all of the babys things ready. His co sleeper is set up, his changing table is ready, and his clothes are all put away. We're still going to do cloth diapers, just not right away. We'll wait until he is a bit bigger than a newborn to do it, probably a month old or so (i sold my newborn diapers after we found out about his omphalocele)
My hospital bag is packed, and we have a plan in place for Coopers care while we are away, so all we need now is for Bennett to be born!
So excited/anxious/scared/happy every feeling you can imagine!

I hope my next blog, is the "birth" day blog!! I cant wait to share Bennetts story, and to update everyone how he is doing.
Thanks to all my friends and family who have kept us in your prayers and thoughts. I couldnt have made it this far without all your kind words. It wont be much longer!